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Thursday, March 23, 2006

March 23 - Thursday's Challenge is "ENERGY"

"Come on Baby Light my Fire" . . . The Doors
  • 1680 that an Englishman named Robert Boyle
    discovered that phosphorus and sulfur would burst
    into flame instantly if rubbed together
  • In 1836 in the United States, Alonzo D. Phillips
    of Springfield, Massachusetts, obtained a patent
    for "manufacturing of friction matches" and
    called them locofocos
  • Joshua Pusey invented book matches in 1889.
    He was a well-known lawyer in Pennsylvania.
    One day he was invited to a dinner party
    by the Mayor of Philadelphia. He dressed in his best clothes,
    and all was fine-except for one thing.
    The big box of wooden kitchen matches he was carrying
    to light his cigars, stuck out of his vest
    so much that he felt embarrassed.
    Why did matches have to be so bulky?
    He wondered! Why couldn't they be
    made out of paper instead of wood?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

March 16 - Thursday's Challenge is "VISION"

Kids with Vision
"I always wanted to invent something that would move around &
make funny noises & would change the world as we know it &
I forgot all about that until we had kids &
now I see I came pretty close."
Brian Andreas, storypeople

Thursday, March 09, 2006

March 9 - Thursday's Challege is "NATURE"

My Original "Nature" post . . .

The Unicorn Forest
This is on the way to Carlton Peak on the North Shore of Lake Superior in Nothern Minnesota.
"The clearest way to the Universe is through a forest wilderness." John Muir

Sunday, March 05, 2006

March 2 Thursday's Challege is "BLACK & WHITE"

Is it so Black & White?
"Ice Hockey is a form of disorderly conduct in which the score is kept." Doug Larson